Overwhelming Majority of Democrats Want Biden to Step Aside - The Thursday AM Quickie 7/18/24

A meteor buzzed New York City the other night before disintegrating over New Jersey. This was definitely an omen of some kind, but I'm not sure exactly what it means. Your theories welcome! - Corey


7/18: It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with Margaret Power, professor of history at the Illinois Institute of Technology, to discuss her recent book Solidarity across the Americas: The Puerto Rican Nationalist Party and Anti-imperialism. Then, she's joined by journalist Erin Reed, author of the Erin In The Morning newsletter on SubStack, to discuss how speakers at the RNC have been employing transphobic rhetoric.


Thanks again paid subscribers!

Today you'll read about the state of play when it comes to Democratic efforts to replace President Joe Biden with another candidate at the top of the ticket, the Republican horrorshow in Milwaukee, and the belated comeuppance for a federal prosecutor who used altered evidence to persecute hundreds of anti-Trump protesters way back in 2017.

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Say It Ain't Joe: Covid-Positive Biden Now 'Willing to Listen' to Democrats Who Want Him to Step Aside

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