Lie to Win, Trump Persuades GOP - The Tuesday AM Quickie 7/9/24
The Majority Report family sends its deepest condolences to the friends and family of esteemed writer, powerhouse labor organizer, and recurring guest Jane McAlevey, who died of multiple myeloma on Sunday at age 59. Her New York Times obituary contains many anecdotes from her remarkable life, and a New Yorker profile of her last year explains how her ideas transformed the US labor movement and helped to inspire its current resurgence. "Jane taught that regular people can act together to change our lives," her friend and fellow organizer Katie Miles writes in The Nation. "And that if we don’t, we’re screwed." - Corey

7/9: It's News Day Tuesday! Sam and Emma speak with Trita Parsi, executive vice president at the Quincy Institute, to discuss the recent results of the Iranian elections. Then, they speak with Daniel Nichanian, editor-in-chief of Bolts Magazine, to discuss the surprising results of the 2nd round of French elections that took place this past weekend.
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Today you'll read about why the Republican Party is running away from its own policies, why Democratic Squad members are rallying behind President Joe Biden, and how much a single cigarette costs on Gaza's black market.